Sojourn creates pockets of calm at home.

Because some things float into your life without permission, like mail from the tax office and that bad mood you can't shake. Others, like calm and beauty, you have to build into your life, and plan to cross with paths most days.

Sojourn's fine art  prints place calm and beauty in plain sight: in your living room, above your bed, or that space you like to gaze in between meetings above your desk.


Made by Steph Stepan

Sojourn was founded by me, Steph Stepan. I'm an Australian artist and writer. Most of all, I'm an introvert who loves to cocoon in calm and beautiful places.

If I could have any job title, it would be Ambassador For Rest. I believe that rest--or simply slowing momentarily--is probably one of our most underutilised resources. And it's free! You just have to be deliberate about it, and set the scene.

As a kid I'd fuss over how my bedroom looked. Hours would pass where all my parents could hear was the scraping of furniture being rearranged (I was a determined 8-year-old). And then I'd rearrange my toys and books. Again. 

I used to think that I just loved interior design--or that possibly I was just vain--but now I realise what I really wanted was a nice place to cocoon. I still do. And that's what I hope my artwork can do for you: create a place that's deeply serene and quiet; the kind of place you could cocoon in a heartbeat.